Monday, February 13, 2012

Remi's Story

My story pitch for the Game

A young inventor whose funding was just cut due to the war seeks to seek a leg up from his family back home but something had gone awry.

Here say said that someone had been murdering hotelgoers and the lead says that a spirit who haunts a doorway has some clues.

When spoken to, the spirit says that a sickness spread throughout the family, causing deformity, mental illness, and somewhat supernatural affects. Only one of the uncles knows the cure, but it could only be moments before he loses his mind.

Your objective is simple, find which uncle it is, and take the cure from him.
Along the way, you must fight hordes of infected locals, and some who aren't
because whoever is withholding the cure does not want to be found, and has spread propaganda about you and your relation to the horrific illnesses.

Where the genres fit in

Steampunk- The main character is an inventor, and his inventions will all run on steam. The vehicle that he arrives in will look just like on of the wheeled houses from my reference sheets.
He will have many weapons under the pretense that he was developing prototypes for the military before his funding was cut.

Horror- Not a zombie game.

             Auntie Mame- Ghost
            Uncle Violet- The one with the cure- Constantly has a machine on his back pumping the cure                   through his system. Murders many of the women in the hotels because they have figured out what is going on (after spending some time in his room)

           Uncle Phil- Has grown many extra appendages making him look almost like a spider, those infected by him look similar. His lack of eyesight is the only reason some of his victims make it away.

           Uncle Vernon- Unable to survive at elevated temperatures, he stays in the cooling area of the slaughterhouse. His body now emanates cold, he seems to be part ice.

Evyn Earle

         The use of bold shapes and selective use of saturated colors.
The bold shapes will play into the silhoettes of the characters.
Extremely saturated colors wil be used for things like glowing eyes, extra glowey ice, and the glowing mixture that uncle violet keeps.

Other thoughts- No one ever said it had to be clean/ pure steam. Feel free to have steampunk objects pour out noxious greens, blues, yellows, or whatever suits your fancey.

I've got thumbnails for most of these situations, and I'll show em' to you after class.

Those were my ideas, I hope we can build off of them :)

1 comment:

  1. This is a great start! Good solid definitions to start your sketching. I can't wait 'till you start posting sketches. This has a ton of potential!
