Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ideas From Monday: Details, details, details

I thought A LOT about this stuff, trying to build it with a nice background and as much detail as possible so here are my ideas of what it would be like. If you need a reference to something that I mention, just post it in the comments below! Make sure that I check myself before I wreck myself.

Quick Summary
After WWII the world is completely destroyed and America has disbanded. Everyone is on their own now, causing chaos, with only a few groups of people trying to regain order (dystopian future).  The entire world is polluted with a noxious gas, that slowed deforms animals, including people, ruins the soil and can drive a person insane.  Oxygen is a commodity now, everyone must wear gas masks when going outside. Those who cannot afford this are fated a slow painful death. This story follows the Main Character(MC), who was recently orphaned two years ago along with their younger sibling. They are forced to live at a rebuilding settlement in old hotel built into the side of a canyon.  In their small room of the old hotel, they live with crazy Auntie Mame, the only person out of their many relatives to take them in.  To say the least, their extended family is extremely dysfunctional and they characters are forced to interact with them due to the inability to survive on their own.  After visiting their parents grave like every month, they see a shadowy figure in the distance and decide to peruse. What they find is a dead body.  Asking around town, no one admits to the dead person's existence, only increasing MC'S curiosity. This leads to an adventure of conspiracy where nothing is really as it seems.

In the US, a unspecific location (probably California).  States might not exist anymore, just rebuilding settlements.
In a canyon! Why? Since Oxygen is heavy it would be lower to the ground.  We have prefect references to take pictures of since our school resides in one.
Instead of the rich being on top of the hill, they would be located closer to the oxygen reserves.  The higher up the hill/canyon, the poorer the person probably is.  the top would be where the slums were.  Slums could be abandoned mansions (crumbling). Probably would be mainly shacks.

MC: Either a boy or a girl, we still haven't decided. Orphaned at 15, he/she is 17 or about to turn 18.  They have a deep bond with their  best friend/sibling. Currently lives in a hotel with Auntie Mame and their younger sibling. (I'd prefer a girl, haha) Very fragile mind state but when put to the task they try to over come. Depressed?
- Could be slowly going insane
- we learn more about them as they go on.
- since they have a very fragile mindset some of the characters could not turn out to be real
-only surviving member of immediate family

Auntie Mame: Insane, bipolar, manic. Moments of clarity but can lose her mind again at any moment.
- MC has suspicions that she might not be real, player would be lead to believe that she is a reflection of MC's mental state

Younger sibling: Either boy or girl, younger but seemingly braver one. positive attitude
- If going with  auntie mame suggestion above, this character could be dead all along (found out near the end) and is just a projection of the MC's mind.  Was killed along with parents.
- if alive, could have playable scenarios as this character.  From their POV the world is warped to give more of an imaginative and positive outlook.


Beginning of the beginning (aka why this happened):
The society of our game, in my head, used to be a clean steam punk society. Until the diesel engine was invented in 1893, steam powered engines were used.  In 1910, diesel engines were used for mainly submarines and ship.  It wasn't until the 1930s that these engines were used for autos, locomotives, and other machinery. (a.k.a. Diesel punk era begins) Coincidentally, 1939 is where the first world war begins.  In our altered story line something changes near the end. This forces our world into the alternate future of the MC's today. (I have more to add later)
- steampunk items modded into diesel

post suggestions, i'd love to bounce ideas back in forth. I really enjoy doing this kind of stuff.

Steampunk: Diesel punk, more appropriate for the era, inventions abound.  Old steampunk invention could also be shown, or be modded into diesel.  I'd prefer no atomic punk! Weapons, puzzles, etc.
Horror: Deformities, mutant creatures, dystopian depressing future, insanity. Mindfucker + holyshit these things are coming after me.
Evyind Earle:  silhouettes or back grounds. main saturated colors like in mirrors edge, where key colors direct the viewer or have specific meaning. Other things have a

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